If we are to fully understand all the universe we must first start with a conscious intelligible mind. This mind must also be infinitely knowledgeable and infinitely personable. The embodiment of this infinitely knowledgeable and infinitely personable mind is constructed of materials that are infinite. This is from a place called everlasting. This infinite material is pure energy and massless matter which is why we are unable to physically see it, but we can see the effects of it. This is God and this is why all things start with God and why God is the creator of all things and without God no things can be created that are created.
While contemplating all existence God lives in everlasting. This location is everlasting because energy, which needs matter to propagate in, cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed. Everlasting is timeless because there is no mass to the infinite matter the infinite energy is propagating in. This means everything travels at the same speed, which is different than Albert Einstein universal constant speed, the speed of light. In Everlasting the speed limit for all things is the same, the speed of thought. We know this is a true statement because time is relative to the mass of its observer as we see in the study of time dilation. Time dilation proves that elapsed time between two clocks will vary depending on the speed they are moving and the mass (gravitational effect) of the clocks. This will be explained in detail later in posts.
The Higgs field is the mechanism that creates time because it allows infinite matter to gain mass. The mass gained by infinite matter allows infinite matter to travel at different speeds which gives the illusion of time. Because energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, we see the illusion of matter coming into existence and exiting existence when in reality it has only changed form from slow moving back to its original speed –not Einsteins speed of light rather the everlasting constant which is the speed of thought.
String theory is the example of the speed of thought. String theory postulates that matter can be quantumly entangled where cause and effect is instantaneously conducted across the universe between particles. This is possible because God is infinite energy, and he is conscious. This can be done with and without mass because string theory also says that all matter vibrates. We know this is true because photons, which are massless, have a wavelength and an electromagnetic field they propagate in. This is no different than how a brain works by sending signals throughout a body. The body in this case is God because God is infinite energy, meaning he is all of energy.
While God, the conscious intelligible body (Jesus) and mind (God the Father) of infinite energy and matter, was in everlasting, God created the laws of physics (God the Holy Spirit). The reason we know God created the laws of physics are because the laws of physics only work for objects with mass moving though time. This makes God the law giver and gives God dominion over all the created universe. We know God has an intelligible mind because the laws he created are centered around numerically quantifiable properties and numbers only exist in a mind. This also explains how God knows the end from the beginning, because God created it this way. Furthermore, this is why we, mankind, were given the Bible, God’s rules for creation.
In the beginning, this is the Higgs field being turned on giving the infinite matter the ability to gain mass and therefore starting “time”, God begins the creation. Just like a painter first envisions a painting before it is painted God first envisioned creation. Turning on the Higgs field is equivalent to the painter gathering the paint and canvas necessary to paint the painting. Jesus, the embodiment of the intelligible consciousness of God, is the painter or creator. Jesus is the wisdom of God which means he possess the ability to put the knowledge of the laws of physics to work just as the painter can blend colors together with multiple deliberate brush strokes to make a picture form.
Heaven and the earth are started on day one and the earth is without form and void. This is still only the idea of how God will make the earth and heaven look. God is waiting on particles to gain mass so he can put them together making his vision come to life. This is the waters the Spirit moved over, a sea of Higgs boson particles. While God is waiting, he starts and completes light. This is possible because photons are massless so there is no wait time. This is also an example that God cannot do something illogical, for example, people will say if God can do anything can he make a round square? The answer is no because that is a logical impossibility just like creating something out of nothing is also illogical. In this model God is not creating matter he is only transforming it which is within logic and the laws of physics.
On the second day God creates the firmament which is the barrier that separates heaven and earth. Heaven and earth are still without form and void at this point. This is also likely the day the angels are created. Genesis does not say this is the case, but it is implied in other books of the bible like Job. It is important to understand that angels are the messengers of God so they, like man, were created for a purpose and are a witness to creation. The firmament can also be viewed as the atmosphere for earth. While most planets, and stars for that matter, have an atmosphere only earth has one suitable for human life. There is a distinction between heaven and earth in the firmament as the earth is below the firmament and the rest of the universe is in the firmament which is referred to as heaven. The difference between humans and angels are angels can sustain life in both the firmament of heaven and earth whereas earth life is only sustainable in the firmament (atmosphere) of earth. With this understanding we can associate firmament with life sustaining atmosphere, while all bodies may have an atmosphere only earth has a firmament for life as we know it.
On the third day, using the laws of physics God created and after the atmosphere was complete, the earth was given shape to include dry land and large bodies of water called seas. It only makes logical sense in this order because forming the atmosphere first allows pressure to form liquid water. In the first part of this day God was finished creating the heaven and earth because he saw that it was good. For the remainder of this day God created plant life which carried fruit and seeds. This is also how we begin to understand God is a personal God because this is the start of DNA. Encoded in DNA is all the information required from conception on how to become the kind of plant the seed will grow into and literally sealed with God’s name as will be explained later in the book. It is personal because the information is required before the material. For there to be a communication of information there must be a sender to send a message and a receiver that can understand the sent message. God is the sender and DNA is designed as the code reader and translation device to give guidance and limitations to how the cell is to act. God completed plant life because he saw that it was good.
On the fourth day, again using the laws of physics he created, God created the sun, moon, and stars. The purpose of this was to give the not yet created man a system for signs, seasons, days, and years. It is inferred that there was no life on any other created planet or in any other place other than heaven or earth because God did not inform us of any other life. The earth was designed to sustain life for plant, animal, and man; no other body we are told of was given this purpose. By the end of this day all the stars and galaxies were complete and in their given place because God saw that it was good. Also, from day four we can understand the geocentricity of the earth. Albert Einstein gives us E=MC^2 which allows us to understand the relationship of energy and mass. The C is based on the speed of light which is a calculation derived from the relationship of the earth and the sun meaning how we understand time. If this relationship was different the equation would be different as we understand with the study of time dilation. This order of creation perfectly and logically explains the purpose of the sun, moon, and stars as giving us signs, seasons, days, and years.
On the fifth day, again using the laws of physics, God created all the life of the seas and fowls of the air, showing his personalism once more through DNA. The information contained in DNA use the laws God supplies to reproduce according to their own kind. These laws have boundaries and do not allow animals outside their original designed kind to procreate. By the end of this day all the kinds of fowl and sea life were finished because God saw that it was good.
On the sixth day, continuing to use the laws of physics he created, God created land animals in the first part of the. Unlike day five the land animals were brought forth from the land not the sea. Once God saw this was good, he then created man. This is how we know God created us to not only have a personal relationship with him but an intimate relationship with him because we are created in the image of God. Man was created to have dominion over the created life of earth and to subdue the earth. Man was created to be like God but not to be God. Man was even allowed to name all the animals. Once this task was complete God created woman out of a rib from man’s side.
On the seventh day God rested from all his work and he sanctified this day. We also know all of creation was complete because on the end of the sixth day God saw everything he had made, and it was very good. There is no room for misinterpretation of this because it is then written that by the end of the sixth day the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. This we know to be true because we do not see any new things being formed in the sky or any new life being formed on the earth or in the seas.
Not only is there nothing in this theory that breaks any laws of physics, but this theory also actually gives a better and more logical definition as to how and why things were created in the order they were created. It also explains the intimate relationship God intended to have with man as God walked with man and allowed man (Adam) to name all the animals. This intimate relationship explains why we need God and how much he wants us to choose to be with him in everlasting and not the alternative.